Your Rights and Choices

As a person facing end of life you have rights. You also have choices you can make about your care. These are:


You have the right to direct the care you wish to receive and the care you do not wish to receive. As an End of Life Doula, I will discuss these with you and sign a form committing to these rights. You can find the form that gives more information about these rights here.

Health Care Directive

At a time when you cannot speak for yourself, others may have to make health care decisions on your behalf. You can have input in those decisions by creating a health care directive. For more information, in Manitoba go to Health Care Directives in Manitoba. To see the form for Manitoba go to Health Care Directive Form.

E.R.I.K. (Emergency Response Information Kit)

Along with your wishes regarding health care, you may want to tell caregivers about your health information when you are unable to do so. For example, it is helpful for caregivers to know your medications. To access an E.R.I.K. for click on E.R.I.K. form.